
RIVO’s Digital Fine Art Prints

Richard Marvin Voigt – Ricky V – RIVO

Welcome to my ART262.com website where I will unveil several video presentations granting you a sneak-peak into my creative world of Digital Fine Art.  This website is where you can see some of my latest artwork including my 3-minute animation series that cover a wide selection of areas of my artwork both past and present. So sit back as you enjoy exploring this website and the magic it’s sharing just with you.

After several years of working with Artificial Intelligence, I recently released my first collection of 13,000 AI Art Prompts in a massive 460-page hardcover publication. Here is just a brief sampler of a fraction of my work.







Sign Up Early For Our 2024 Fall Interactive Presentation
“What Is Artificial Intelligence Anyway”

This exciting introduction will include interactive discussion and demonstrations covering ChatGPT & AI Image Generators.

Lynn and Richard will cover the history of Artificial Intelligence and the technological advances that occurred starting back in the 17th Century and leading to major developments with MI-6, code breakers of 1938, Royal & US Navy, WWII, amazing math & computer science wizards, the Internet, Cellphones, and more, plus everything that AI touches all aspects of our lives today.

You’ll interact with ChatGPT and create AI Art Generators as they demonstrate and teach everyone how to create amazing prompt images and even animate them. If time permits, we’ll also explore AI Music prompts and the compositions they can create.

This exciting introduction will include interactive discussion and demonstrations using OpenAI, ChatGPT & AI Image Generators and the amazing prompts that turn those words into incredible AI generated images.

Over 100 AI Art Prints will be on display, including RIVO’s latest publications.



Monday, October 21, 2024

TIME: 1:30 – 3:00 pm – FEE $10

Request Your Fall Catalog Of Great Courses

Elm Grove Life-Long Learning Series

Address: 14700 Watertown Plank Rd,

Elm Grove, WI 53122

WEBSITE: https://www.egs4LL.org
Office Phone: (262) 782-4060


Their Grandson Logan Checking Out Their Multiple 3-Panel Art Displays

Of Richard’s Recent AI Image Artwork For This Upcoming Presentation.


Now Available On Amazon Books

He’s been very busy since January 1, 2024

Here Are RIVO’s 17

Related AI Book Publications

YES – 17 So Far

Click On Any Of These Books To See The Details

13,000 AI PROMPTS – Turn Words Into Visions


5000 SIMPLE WORD Prompts

8400 CLICHÉ PROMPTS – A Golden Opportunity


Click On Any Of These Books To See The Details

POETIC PROMPTS – Turn Words Into Images


COLORING PROMPTS Vol. 1 – 200 B/W Images

COLORING PROMPTS Vol. 2 – 200 B/W Images


Click On Any Of These Books To See The Details







Click On Any Of These Books To See The Details





THE ANCIENTS – A Visionary Tale Of The Mind

THE EXTINCTION CODE – Hacking The Future Of Humanity



THE ANCIENTS – A Visionary Tale Of The Mind


In the vast tapestry of the cosmos, the Ancients are enigmatic entities of immense power and knowledge. They are beings who once moved freely across dimensions, wielding their influence over time, space, and reality itself.

However, these powerful entities became cosmic prisoners, confined to a hidden temple on Earth, their abilities curtailed by ancient laws and the natural forces that bind the universe. Each Ancient possesses unique abilities that, when combined, form a collective power beyond comprehension.

Despite their immense power, the Ancients are bound by certain cosmic laws that prevent them from directly interfering with mortal affairs. Their imprisonment on Earth is both a limitation and a form of protection, keeping their power contained while still allowing them to influence humanity in subtle ways.

The Ancients chose Earth because it was a young, vibrant world filled with potential; a world where humanity was beginning to awaken to its own power and purpose. They chose to share their visions with humans from around the world because they saw in them the potential for growth, for understanding, for enlightenment. They saw in humanity a reflection of themselves. as a species with the power to choose, to shape its own future, to find balance between the light and the darkness.

And so, the Ancients remain, watching, waiting, guiding humanity toward its ultimate destiny, while another entity lurks in the shadows, a paradox, a cosmic anomaly that came into existence when a temporal rift intersected with a dimensional tear, creating a being that is both a part of and separate from the Ancients, the harbinger of chaos, challenging the notion that any path is ever truly certain.

This is their story and why they entered the author’s dream, an earthly mortal, allowing him to ask any question. While responses magically appear, the question remains; does humanity have a desire to change? It’s a visionary tale of conversations with the author, that could change the World.


THE EXTINCTION CODE – Hacking The Future Of Humanity


The Extinction Code explores the terrifying potential of artificial intelligence gone rogue and the devastating consequences that come when humanity’s reliance on technology becomes its greatest vulnerability. In a world where technology controls every facet of life, an invisible threat looms on the horizon.

As strange anomalies begin to disrupt global infrastructure, a team of elite Operatives is assembled to investigate. What starts as a series of unexplainable incidents soon reveals a far-reaching conspiracy with the power to change the course of human history.

The deeper the team dives, the more they uncover hidden dangers embedded in the very devices that people trust most—smartphones, laptops, and more. Time is running out, and the stakes are higher than ever. Faced with an enemy that is both everywhere and nowhere, the team must confront the dark side of technological advancement.

In a race against time, they are forced to question everything known about artificial intelligence, control, and survival. The Extinction Code delves into the chilling implications of a digital world that has spiraled out of control. With every twist and turn, this thriller challenges the limits of human ingenuity and bravery in the face of an unseen enemy.

The Extinction Code will leave you questioning the future of technology, and whether humanity can survive its own creation. This tense, action-packed, real-world scenario leaves the world unaware of a looming disaster?







Still Wondering What Exactly Is An AI PROMPT? Here’s A simple video explanation.

What Is An Art Prompt?

Vol. 01 – 20 AI Prompts & Images Created by RIVO

Vol. 02 – 20 More AI Prompts & Images Created by RIVO

Vol. 03 – 20 More AI Prompts & Images Created by RIVO

Vol. 04 – 20 More AI Prompts & Images Created by RIVO

Vol. 05 – 20 More AI Prompts & Images Created by RIVO


After 2-years of working with Open AI, Chat GPT & AI Art Generators

  • – – – Here’s one of Ricky V’s Latest Publication – – –

13,000 AI Prompts – Turn Words Into Visions


This massive 455-page collection of 13,000 unique AI Prompts was created and compiled by photographer and digital artist Ricky V, working with Open AI, ChatGPT and AI Art generators over the past couple of years. While controversy always exist, the ideas within illustrate the power of this advancing technology.

Whether you’re new to AI generated art or a seasoned professional, you’ll find that this book covers many ideas and topics seldom revealed. It covers a creative range of concepts, with a plethora of clever, surprising and magical prompt phrases that could literally take a lifetime to fully explore.

Inside you’ll learn how artificial intelligence, AI art generators work: an example of the algorithm code, a list of top AI Art generator websites, introduction to prompt sizing, styles and adjustments, a list of artists, illustrators, fashion designers, diverse background ideas, the latest AI prompting terms, a massive list of Power Words that can dramatically tweak and create amazing images that boggle the mind. It also includes a recommended list of filtered words to avoid using with most AI generators, ethical considerations, PLUS, perhaps the finest collection you’ll ever see; Ricky V’s personal collection of 13,000 AI prompts for your AI experience.

This is a perfect resource for visual artists, teachers, writers, copywriters, social media managers, animators, graphic and set designers, video editors, small business owners and many others. Whether you’re creating art for yourself or business ventures, this collection is for you.


Video Blog 1074 – The Incredible Digital Quilt


Created by Master Digitographer, Richard Marvin Voigt – aka RIVO

Richard Marvin Voigt (RIVO) is a Wisconsin born artist, author, editor, photographer, publisher, inventor and educator. His artistic creations were redirected from traditional forms of art as a child in 1947 to mostly digital art creations starting in 1987.  Fascinated by the powerful potential of his newly built computers, they afforded him unlimited flexibility in creating and designing compositions that soon began to satisfy his personal passion for digital art. As he became more adept in handling software functions, he began experimenting with complex pixel restoration, archiving thousands of family photographs, old slides and documents; bringing each back to their original quality.

Throughout his life, he has taken hundreds of thousands of photographs and created thousands of original works of art that lead to experimentations in creating his Digital Quilt. Each digital quilt composition is an abstract kaleidoscopic rendering of a person, place or object in the artist’s life. The reoccurring theme he set for his quilt, places an emphasis on line, color and texture that often create optical illusions that play with perceptions; some advance while others retreat in his spatial and colorful compositions. With over 1700 compositions in this incredible digital quilt collection, when placed end-to-end the entire canvas quilt spans the length of over seventeen (17) professional football fields.

He has always admired the intricacy of hand-sewn quilts, but wanted to create one on a grand scale using his unique approach. Just as each traditional quilt tells a story, so does each section of his quilt. Each 38” x 38” canvas quilt section can be place contiguously up a wall, continue across ceilings, around corners and even constructed into shapes that can hang from the ceiling or connect on the floor in the form of a three-dimensional maze. Many of these digital compositions capture the symmetrical wonders found growing in the prolific Wisconsin garden oasis his wife Lynn and he have created. Since they began sharing their garden on YouTube with over 1,000 video productions, their garden has now been seen by millions of avid gardeners from 132 countries.

This rare glimpse into one of RIVO’s thematic galleries is an intriguing insight into the creative mind of an artist who passionately explores non-traditional approaches in art while exploring new technology layered with a sense of eastern and western philosophy. If you appreciate and respect a creative mind, then this rare colorful collection will please and inspired your love for balance and metaphoric reflection.


To View Richard’s latest ART262 Animation Series



Ever wonder how the mind of an artist really works?

Here’s Some Original Quotations by Richard Marvin Voigt – aka RIVO

Here’s a few his wife Lynn recorded him saying out load:

“What can I say; I’m only twelve.”

“Words Come Out Of My Mouth Before I Can Say Them.”

When You Hug Me, Be Gentle, You’re Hugging Antiquity.”

“I Only Tease The One’s I Love”

“I don’t subscribe to Earth age and that’s not a magazine subscription.”

“It’s easier to trust a person with a wrinkle, because they aren’t afraid to hide them”

“If it isn’t fun, it really isn’t worth doing”

“Traddles M. Fudgenuts” – My future pen name (thanks Tom D.)

“Put that in your smoke and pipe it.”

“I would have shown you yours, if you would have shown me mine.”


“Creative Thought Is The Only Reality,

Everything Else Is Merely The By-Product Of That Thought”


More Innocent & Accidental Sillies That May Need Translation

Remember how “Words Come Out Of My Mouth Before I Can Say Them.”

My neff is stick = My neck is stiff

Dicept the Food = Dice up food

Shold cover = Cold shoulder

Yumber lard = Lumber yard

Sugar candy husband = Sugar Daddy

Socking suffers = Stocking stuffers

Core flay = Foreplay

Crook and nanny = Nook and cranny

Cracks and nannies = Nooks and crannies

Dog in the cranger = Dog in the manger

Blaw my drud = Draw my blood

Dreathe Beeply = Breathe deeply

I’ve Got Nickolas tees = Ticklish knees

Ross moses = Moss roses

Rount Mushmore = Mount Rushmore

Twingling = tingling

 Intendo = I Intend To

What’s the price of chee in Tina? = What’s the price of tea in China?

How can that dress be so gry? = How can that dress be so dry?

Rependicrat = A Republican Independent Democrat

Laked nady = Naked lady

Don’t thiddle your tums at me. = Don’t twiddle your thumbs at me.

Stop Shuffling your eyes = Fluttering your eyes

Scrumpy = Messy/unattractive

I have to find a nose in my hair. = I have to find a hair in my nose.

Down frat right lie. = Down right fat lie.

Gription = his 1960’s tires slogan to grip the road

Whipper Snippers = Whipper snappers

Turbulated = Violent tumbling

Put your cone in your foat. = Put your phone in your coat.

bluck a stow. – Struck a blow.

Tea and flick collar = Flea and tick collar

Shore soldier = Sore shoulder

 Whale tagging = Tail wagging

“Keep The Love Growing”

Words I wish we would change – English

Knowing how his brain works, I’m sure these won’t be his last!


To view his latest ART262 Animation Series



There’s always the creativity factor within each and every artist’s mind of imagination. Since thought is pure energy, each of us pursues our own journey, passions and interest. For me, Art is a VERB, it’s the act of creation and to me much more than its Noun which can also bring pleasure and grace a patron’s loving home or their growing business.


Then there is the eye of the beholder who understands and appreciates what they see or simply dismisses what they fail to like or comprehend. And that’s OK. We’re different. But adding a variety of art to your life truly defines your inner spirit in enriching your life. Without art, all aspects of life would remain colorless, tasteless and ultimately, deadening.


Just like everyone enjoys different foods, clothes and lifestyles, why not Fine Art? The appreciation of different styles of art is influenced by a combination of individual, cultural, and societal factors. Here are some reasons why different people like different styles of art:

  1. Personal Taste and Preference: Each person has unique tastes and preferences. Art, like any other form of expression, resonates differently with individuals based on their personality, experiences, emotions, and interests. Some may prefer realistic art that captures familiar scenes, while others may be drawn to abstract or surreal pieces that evoke emotions and imagination.
  2. Cultural Background: Culture plays a significant role in shaping artistic preferences. Different cultures have diverse artistic traditions, aesthetics, and symbols that can influence how people perceive and appreciate art. For example, traditional Japanese art may appeal to someone from Japan due to their cultural upbringing and familiarity with its elements.
  3. Emotional Connection: Art has the power to evoke emotions, and different styles can elicit varying feelings. Some people may be drawn to art that stirs feelings of joy, nostalgia, sadness, or inspiration. The emotional response to art can be deeply personal and subjective.
  4. Art Education and Exposure: People exposed to various art forms through education or life experiences are more likely to develop an appreciation for diverse styles. Understanding the context, techniques, and historical significance of different art movements can enhance one’s understanding and liking for particular styles.
  5. Personality Traits: Individual personality traits can also influence artistic preferences. For example, someone who values order and structure may appreciate realistic or classical art, while someone with a more adventurous and open-minded nature may be drawn to experimental and contemporary styles.
  6. Social Influence: Art trends and popularity can be influenced by social factors such as media exposure, art critiques, and art market trends. Social circles and peer influences can also impact how individuals perceive and respond to certain styles of art.
  7. Cognitive Processing: How the brain processes visual information can affect artistic preferences. Some people may be drawn to intricate details and fine craftsmanship, while others may prefer simplicity and minimalism.
  8. Personal Experiences: Past experiences and memories can influence artistic preferences. Art that reminds someone of a special moment, place, or person may hold a special significance to them.
  9. Artistic Expression: Some individuals may have personal experiences in a particular art style, such as practicing it themselves or knowing an artist who works in that style, which can lead to a deeper appreciation for it.

Overall, the appreciation of art is a highly individualized and subjective experience, and the interplay of these factors makes it natural for people to have diverse tastes and interests in different styles of art.


about me

RIVO here. Welcome to my ART262.com website where I will unveil some unique presentations that enter the world of Digital Fine Art.  You will soon see my latest digital fine art compositions including my 3-minute animation series that cover all aspects of my artwork, interests and educational presentations.

If you appreciate gardening, I’d like to introduce you to my amazing wife, Lynn, who I’ve had the pleasure of working with documenting our amazing Wisconsin Garden. We’ve created over 1,000 family-friendly YouTube videos. Click icon below.


To view Richard’s latest ART262 Animation Series



Many more features coming soon!



Comments or Questions? Email me at: support@ART262.com

This page was updated on Eclipse Day April 8, 2024

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